Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Final Thoughts on the Novel

Final Thoughts

What surprised me the most was when everyone got into the wave, and that their was no leader, and Ben said that the wave was going to end. He said that it had no leader, and Hitler was the leader, and since Hitler was dead  there was no more leader, so it had to end. This part surprised me the most, because since one person can’t be there to lead it, that does not mean that there can’t be another leader. This also surprised, because I thought that the when the seniors were trying to get them to join. Also many people just followed people, and just went along with them and joined the wave.

My final thoughts on the novel is that I thought that the wave was going to go on forever, and it would never end, because people just kept on joining and it seemed like it was going to be a life long thing. What I have learned from reading this book, is that people might try and get you into stuff that you don’t want to do. What I have learned from doing this blogging project is that people are interested in contributing to you when their is something that seems interesting to them. When you write a lot of stuff, and when you put pictures, it draws in more people. This is a project that teenagers should be apart of, because this could teach people rights from wrong. wave was going to go on forever, and more and more people would be joining , and the wave experiment would be doing way more stuff than it had been. I liked this book, because it was a very interesting book to read, and it was easy to understand. One major theme that encompasses the whole novel is, conformity, because people went along and joined the wave

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